Découvrez nos salons rétrogaming !
GoRetroGaming vous propose à la location, deux salons rétrogaming qui vous proposent de jouer à toutes les anciennes consoles de jeux vidéo (matériel original : consoles, jeux et téléviseurs cathodiques) .
Le très haut de gamme en matière de télévision de l’époque
Une qualité d’image et de son remarquable sur nos téléviseurs Bang & Olufsen BeoVision MX7000
Les consoles de jeux disponibles
Nous disposons dans chacun des salons :
- la Nintendo NES, la Super Nintendo, la Nintendo 64, la Nintendo Gamecube
- la Sega Master System, la Sega MégaDrive, la Sega Saturn, la Sega Dreamcast
- la Sony Playstation
Informations complémentaires
- Aladdin
- Astérix
- Blade of steel
- Boulder dash
- Burai fighter
- California games
- Double dragon
- Double dragon 2
- Double dragon 3
- Dragon ball
- Duck hunt
- Duck tales la bande à picsou
- Four players tennis
- Gauntlet 2
- Goal
- Gremlins 2
- Kickle cubicle
- Les chevaliers du zodiaque la légende d’or
- Macdonald land
- Megaman 2
- Megaman 3
- Mission impossible
- Marble madness
- Mario bros
- Mario bros 2
- Mario bros 3
- Nintendo World Cup
- Probotector
- Robocop
- Rush attack
- Silent service
- Ski or die
- Super off road
- Swords and serpents
- Teenage mutant hero turtles
- Tetris
- The adventure of bayou billy
- The adventure of link
- Tiny toon
- Top gun
- Turbo racing
- Wizards & warriors
- Aladdin
- Bulls VS Blazers
- Castlevania IV
- CutThroat island
- Donkey kong country
- Donkey Kong country 3
- Dragon ball z la légende des super combattants
- Dragon ball z la légende sayen
- Dragon ball z ultime menace
- Dragon ball z hyper dimension
- Exhaust heat
- Fifa soccer
- Full Throttle: All-American Racing
- F-zero
- Illusion of time
- Killer instinct
- Les schtroumpfs
- Megaman x
- Mortal kombat
- Mortal kombat 2
- Mortal kombat 3
- Mystic quest
- Nba live 95
- Pilot wings
- Secret of evermore
- Secret of mana
- Starwing
- Street fighter 2
- Street fighter 2 turbo
- Street racer
- Super bomberman 2
- Super ghouls n ghosts
- Super mario all stars
- Super mario kart
- Super mario world
- Super Metroid
- Super pinball behind the mask
- Super probotector alien rebels
- Super r-type
- Super soccer
- Super street fighter 2
- Super tennis
- The lost vikings
- Top gear
- Top gear 2
- Toy story
- Wario’s Woods
- 1080 snowboarding
- Banjo-kazooie
- Banjo-tooie
- Bust a move 2 arcade edition
- Diddy Kong racing
- Donkey kong 64
- Excitebike 64
- F-zero-x
- International Superstar Soccer 64
- James bond golden eye
- Jetforce gemini
- Mario kart 64
- Mario party 2
- Mario party 3
- Monaco Grand Prix racing simulation 2
- Mystical ninja starring goëmon
- Nagano Winter Olympics 98
- NBA live 99
- NBA Pro 98
- Perfect dark
- Pokémon snap
- Pokémon stadium 2
- Snowboard kids
- Spacestation silicon valley
- Starshot panique au Space circus
- Star wars racer épisode 1
- Star wars shadows of the empire
- Super Mario 64
- The legend of zelda : ocarina of time
- The legend of Zelda majora’s mask
- Top gear rally
- Turok
- Turok 2
- V-rally 99
- Waves race
- Yoshi’s story
- Baten kaitos les ailes éternelles et l’océan perdu
- Final fantasy crystal chronicles
- James bond 007 dans espion pris pour cible
- Les sims 2 : animaux et compagnie
- Mario kart double dash
- Mario party 5
- Metroid prime
- Need for speed Underground
- Phantasy star online episode 1 et 2
- Prince of persia warrior within
- Resident evil
- Resident evil 4
- Sonic heroes
- Star Wars rogue squadron 2
- Star Wars rogue squadron 3
- Super Mario sunshine
- Starfox adventures
- Super smash bros melee
- Tales of symphonia
- Tom Clancy’s splinter cell
- Turok evolution
- Vexx
- Viewtiful Joe red hot rumble
- Zelda twilight princess
- Ace of aces
- Action fighter
- Alex Kidd in shinobi world
- Altered beast
- Astérix
- Astérix and the secret mission
- Aztec adventure
- Bomber raid
- Bonanza brothers
- Castle of illusion
- Champion of Europe
- Choplifter
- Cyborg hunter
- Crash dummies
- Dead angle
- Desert strike
- Double dragon
- Double hawk
- Dragon Crystal
- Enduro racer
- E-swat
- F16 fighter
- Galaxy force
- Ghostbusters
- Ghost house
- Global defense
- Gloc air battle
- Golden axe
- Golfamania
- Gp rider
- Great basketball
- Great volleyball
- Heavyweight champ
- Indiana jones and the last crusade
- Klax
- Kung fu kid
- Land of illusion Mickey Mouse
- Laser ghost
- Marble madness
- Mickael Jackson moonwalker
- Olympic gold
- My hero
- Out run
- Out run europa
- Pacmania
- Pingouin land
- Prince of Persia
- Pro wrestling
- Rescue mission
- R-type
- Shinobi
- Sonic
- Sonic 2
- Sonic chaos
- Space harrier
- Spécial criminal investigation
- Spiderman
- Strider
- Summer games
- Super kick off
- Super monaco gp
- Super tennis
- Techno world cup 93
- Taito Chase HQ
- Tennis ace
- The cyber Shinobi
- The lucky dime caper starring donald duck
- The ninja
- Thunder blade
- Time soldier
- Transbot
- Vigilante
- Wimbledon
- Winbledon 2
- Wolfchild
- Wonder boy in monster world
- World cup italia 90
- World Cup usa 94
- World grand prix
- World soccer
- xenon 2
- Aladdin
- Altered beast
- Airton senna super Monaco gp2
- Asterix and the great rescue
- Atp tour
- Australian rugby league
- Batman retur
- Bloodshot
- Cool spot
- Desert strike edition classic
- Dragon ball z appel du destin
- EA hockey
- Ecco the dolphin
- Eternal champions
- European club soccer
- Ex mutants
- Fifa soccer
- Fifa soccer 95
- Fifa soccer 96
- Flashback
- George foreman’s ko boxing
- Granslam the tennis tournament
- Img international tennis tour
- International superstar soccer deluxe
- James pond 2
- James pond 3
- John madden football 93
- Jurassic parc
- Le livre de la jungle
- Lemmings
- Le roi lion
- Lhx attack chopper
- Lotus 2 RECS
- Mario Lemieux hockey
- Mega games 1
- Mega lo mania
- Micro machine turbo tournament
- Mortal kombat
- Mortal kombat 3
- Nba jam
- NBA live 96
- NBA showdown
- Newmanhaas indycar ft nigel mansell
- Olympic gold
- Pete sampras tennis
- Quackshot
- Rugby World Cup 1995
- Sega sports 1
- Sensible soccer
- Shaq fu
- Side pocket
- Sonic
- Sonic 2
- Sonic 3
- Sonic compilation
- Sonic spinball
- Space harrier 2
- Speedball 2
- Spot goes to Hollywood
- Super hang on
- Super monaco gp
- Super real basketball
- Super thunder blade
- Street fighter
- Street of rage
- Strider
- Striker
- Super street fighter 2
- Talespin
- Tazmania
- Teenage mutant hero turtles tournament fighters
- The revenge of shinobi
- The Simpson bart vs space mutant
- Tintin au tibet
- Total football
- Ultimate soccer
- Vectorman
- Virtua racing
- Wayne gretsky
- Winter olympics
- World Cup italia 90
- World class leader board
- Daytona USA
- Digital pinball
- Dragon ball z
- Fighters mega mix
- UEFA euro 96 england
- PGA tour 97
- Manx tt superbike
- Nba action
- Nba live : 97
- Nhl hockey all star
- Résident evil
- Scorcher
- Sega sport international victory goal
- Sega Touring car championship
- Sega woldwide soccer 97
- Sega worldwide soccer 98
- SIM city 2000
- Sonic 3D
- Street fighter alpha 2
- Striker 96
- Tomb raider
- Virtua cop
- Wipeout 2097
- World league soccer 98
- World series baseball
- 24 heures du mans
- 4 wheels thunder
- Capcom vs snk
- Conflict zone
- Ecco
- Fur fighters
- Headhunter
- Hidden & dangerous
- Legacy of rain : soul reaver
- Mdk 2
- Metropolis street racer
- Outrigger
- Sega rally
- Record of lodoss war
- Resident evil 3 nemesis
- Shadow man
- Shenmue
- Shenmue 2
- Skies of Arcadia
- Snow surfers
- Sonic adventure
- Sonic adventure 2
- Soul calibur
- Trickstyle
- Virtua fighter 3tb
- Virtua striker 2
- Virtua tennis
- Virtua tennis 2
- 007 le monde ne suffit pas
- ace combat 3
- Alien trilogy
- Battle arena toshinden
- Battle arena toshinden 3
- Bust a move 2
- Cool boarder 2
- Cool boarder 4
- Colin mcray rally
- Coupe du monde 98
- Coupe du monde de la fifa 2002
- Crash bandicoot 3 warped
- Demain ne meurt jamais
- Destruction derby 2
- Disney dinosaures
- Dragon ball final bout
- Driver
- Driver 2
- Fade to black
- Fifa 2004
- Final fantasy anthology
- Final fantasy VI
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final fantasy VIII
- Final fantasy IX
- Formula one 2001
- G Police
- Gran turismo
- Gran turismo 2
- Gunfighter : la légende de Jesse James
- Formula one 97
- Kiss pinball
- Largo winch commando sar
- Le monde des bleus
- Medal of honor
- Micro machine v3
- Mission impossible
- Moto racer world tour
- Need for speed : conduit en état de liberté
- Nuclear strike
- Paris Marseille racing
- Point blank 3
- Porsche challenge
- Rainbow six lone wolf
- Ready to rumble boxing
- Resident evil
- Revolt
- Ridge racer type 4
- Rival school
- Rushdown
- Sled storm
- Space invaders
- Star wars la menace fantôme
- Street fighter ex plus alpha
- Tekken 3
- The need for speed
- The x files
- Time crisis
- Time crisis project titan
- Toca touring car
- Tomb raider
- Tomb raider : la revelation finale
- Tomb raider sur les traces de lara croft
- XS moto
- Yannick noah 2000
- Worms
Les tarifs
Location d’un salon rétrogaming pour une heure : 5€ en heure creuse par personne (de 10h à 18h en semaine)
Location d’un salon rétrogaming pour une heure : 10€ en heure pleine par personne (de 18h à minuit la semaine et de 10h à minuit le week-end)